Massive response to World PT Day

Massive response to World PT Day
On the World PT Day, over 2000 physiotherapists, around the globe, from New Zealand to the USA, used the #worldptday hashtag on Twitter, making 5,583 tweets at an average of 116 tweets per hour – potentially reaching nine million people with their positive messages about the profession. On Facebook, WCPT’s World PT Day messages were shared over 2000 times and reached 350,000 people.
WCPT member organisations from every region posted news and pictures about activities. A fuller report of their activities will be published on the WCPT website shortly – please send pictures and reports to 
Physical therapists joining an online tweetchat organised by Physiotalk for World PT Day discussed how they worked in partnership with patients, clients, citizens and populations to help them to fulfil their potential.
Contributing to the discussion, WCPT President Emma Stokes said: “We can’t remove the person from their context. Solutions must be owed by individuals, so resolving challenges can be explored.” Tracy Bury, WCPT’s Director of Professional Policy, urged the world of physical therapists to “be creative, imaginative, ready to listen and have impact”.
Other global organisations also used World PT Day to mark the unique contribution of PTs. The Global Clubfoot Initiative used the day to highlight the contribution of “six dedicated and inspirational physiotherapists from around the world” working in the field.

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